Monday, April 27, 2009


Bertindak balas dengan keadaan hati.
i) Mata menjadi merah:
Hati mengandungi paras toksin yang tinggi.
Mata menjadi merah menandakan badan kita sedang dalam proses pembuangan toksin.
ii) Mata menjadi kabur:
Sering berlaku pada waktu pagi.
Menandakan proses penyeimbangan hati sedang berlaku.
iii) Keluar tahi mata:
Fungsi hati lemah, pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku. Ini juga menunjukkan badan mengandungi asid berlebihan.
iv) Keluar air mata:
Gangguan emosi yang bersangkut dengan hati atau bebanan kerja
v) Ketegangan mata dan kelopak :
Tekanan perasaan kerana tidak puas hati atau bebanan yang berat.
Hidung mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan paru-paru dan kerongkong.
i) Selsema:
a. Proses pembuangan toksin di bahagian kerongkong.
b. Badan mengandungi asid berlebihan (biasanya suhu badan meningkat).
ii) Hidung Tersumbat:
a. Paru-paru mengandungi toksin yang berlebihan.
b. Proses menyeimbangkan masalah alahan hidung.
iii) Bersin:
a. Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong:
b. Proses menyeimbangkan masalah alahan hidung.
iv) Batuk:
a. Batuk keluar kahak - Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong.
b. Batuk tanpa kahak - Paru-paru mengandungi toksin yang berlebihan - Biasanya kahak pekat keluar setepas beberapa hari dan mula batuk.
c. Batuk dan berasa gatal di kerongkong - Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong dan paru-paru, biasanya berlaku pada orang yang banyak merokok atau terdedah kepada udara yang tercemar.
i) Kerongkong kering .
Proses membuang toksin sedang berlaku di seluruh badan - Ini adalah tanda bahawa badan kita memerlukan banyak air untuk membuang toksin.
ii) Sakit kerongkong - Seperti di atas. Paras keracunan lebih serius.
Berkaitan dengan fungsi sistem penghadaman.
i) Bibir pucat:
a. Sistem penghadaman yang lemah.
b. Perut mengandungi angin.
c. Kurang darah yang disebabkan oleh sistem penghadaman yang kurang sempurna dan mengakibatkan kekurangan zat besi. Sepatutnya diperkuatkan fungsi penghadaman dahulu sebelum memakan zat besi.
ii) Bibir kering dan pecah :
Perut mengandungi banyak bahan toksin.
Berkaitan dengan fungsi jantung dan sistem pengedaran darah.
i) Lidah atau gusi bengkak, sakit - Menunjukkan jantung mempunyai masalah, seperti lemak yang berlebihan, injap menj adi lemah, saluran koronari tersumbat dan lain-lain lagi.
ii) Lidah, tisu mulut atau gusi menjadi pecah-pecah (ulser) - Menandakan darah mengandungi asid berlebihan.
iii) Mulut berbau busuk. Proses penyeimbangan fungsi perut untuk pembuangan toksin.
Berkaitan dengan buah pinggang.
i) Telinga terasa tersumbat - Buah pinggang mengandungi toksin berlebihan.
ii) Telinga berdengung - Sedang merawat buah pinggang yang lemahBiasanya tapak kaki terasa sakit ketika bangun pagi dan sakit itu hilang setelah berjalan-jalan.
1. Peluh.
i) Peluh masin - Badan mengandungi lebihan asid urik.
ii) Peluh berbau - Badan menyingkirkan toksin melalui perpeluhan.
2. Ruam dan Bisul:
Badan menyingkirkan toksin yang berlemak dan toksin yang t ida k larut dalam air.
3. Kulit Gatal dan Ruam:
Proses menyingkirkan toksin melalui kulit akibat terlalu banyak memakan ubat yang mengandungi bahan kimia
4. Kulit Pecah dan Berair:
Proses pembuangan toksin yang larut dalam air.Sapukan serbuk Ganoderma pada kulit berkenaan.
Menandakan fungsi buah pinggang yang lemah. Selepas proses gugur, rambut akan tumbuh semula dengan lebih sihat dan subur.
1. Sendi Sakit:
i) Rasa panas (gout).
ii) Tidak rasa panas Tanda-tanda sakit lenguh (rheumatism) .
iii) Sakit di bahagian bahu - Menandakan saluran darah telah menj adi keras dan fungsi metabolisme t ida k seimbang
2. Kebas Tangan - Pengaliran darah di bahagian atas badan tidak lancar
3. Kebas Tangan Kiri dan Lengan - Tanda-tanda lemah atau sakit jantungJika rasa kebas menj adi sakit di bahagian lengan dan kekal di sana , ini menandakan serangan sakit jantung mungkin berlaku.
4. Kebas Kaki - Pengaliran darah di bahagian bawah badan tidak lancar.
5. Sakit Tapak Kaki - Menandakan buah pinggang lemah. Biasanya disebabkan oleh kekurangan senaman dan duduk terlalu lama.
6. Sakit Tumit Kaki - Menunjukkan kelemahan fungsi alat kelamin.
7. Rasa Panas Tapak Kaki - Penyeimbangan fungsi buah pinggang akibat lemah tenaga batin.
8. Gatal di Celah-Celah Jari Kaki - Menunjukkan tanda awal penyakit kaki busuk (Hong Kong Foot).
Secara amnya, segala tindak balas yang berlaku di bahagian kepala mempunyai kaitan dengan sistem pengaliran darah, jantung dan saraf otak.
1. Pening/Sakit di Bahagian Depan Kepala:
Menandakan sakit tekanan jiwa (neurosis) akibat bebanan mental dan banyak berfikir.
2. Pening/Sakit di Bahagian Belakang Kepala:
i) Bahagian atas - Menunjukkan penyakit tekanan darah tinggi.
ii) Bahagian bawah (tengkuk) - Menunjukkan penyakit tekanan darah tinggi atau tekanan darah
3. Sakit Kepala dan Rasa Gas Keluar dari Telinga:
Menandakan penyakit migrain.
4. Bisul Terjadi Di Kepala:
Tanda pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku. Kadang-kadang dikaitkan dengan penyakit migrain.
5. Rasa Pening Yang Memusing:
Tanda kurang darah atau pengaliran darah t idak lancar.
1. Loya/Muntah:
Tanda penyakit lelah. Pembuangan bahan toksik dari bahagia perut.
2. Muntah darah:
i) Darah merah - Pembuangan tisu yang sudah rosak di bahagian kerongkong dan
ii) Darah hitam - Pembuangan tisu yang sudah rosak di bahagian perut;misalnya penyakit ulser.
3. Lidah Rasa Tegang dan Pendik:
Tanda sakit jantung.
4. Keluar Air Liur yang Pekat :
Proses pembuangan toksin dari kerongkong akibatjangkitan kuman.
1. Kencing Kerap:
Menunjukkan buah pinggang mengandungi kotoran
2. Air Kencing Berkapur:
Menunjukkan penyakit batu karang dalam buah pinggang.
3. Air Kencing Berminyak:
Menunjukkan buah pinggang mengandungi kotoran berlemak.
4. Air Kencing Pekat Berwarna Coklat:
Menandakan proses pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku.
5. Air Kencing Berdarah:
Penyakit batu karang atau buah pinggang luka.
1. Cirit-Birit/Kerap Buang Air Besar:
Membersihkan kotoran/ keracunan dari usus besar. Cirit-birit dengan serta merta selepas memakan makanan tambahan, menandakan penyakit barah di bahagian usus besar.
2. Sembelit:
Membersihkan toksin dari usus kecil.
3. Najis Berdarah:
i) Darah merah - Masalah penyakit buasir atau barah di bahagian usus.
ii) Darah hitam - Masalah penyakit ulser perut.
4. Najis Berwarna Hitam:
Menunjukkan proses pembuangan toksin di bahagian usus sedang berlaku.
1. Badan Rasa Sakit:
Secara amnya, segala kesakitan badan adalah disebabkan saluran
i) Sakit menyucuk - Proses menyeimbangkan urat saraf.
ii) Sakit sengal - Menandakan luka di dalam badan.
iii) Sakit menyentap - Proses menyeimbangkan urat saraf yang berkaitan dengan organ- organ badan.
iv) Sakit menegang - Proses melancarkan pengaliran darah.
2. Badan Terasa Berat/Malas/Lenguh:
Badan mengandungi asid yang berlebihan - Proses penyeimbangan.
3. Badan Terasa Panas:
Badan mengandungi asid yang berlebihan. Ini menandakan badan memerlukan banyak air untuk menjalankan proses pembuangan toksin.
4. Badan Terasa Ringan:
Menandakan badan segar dan proses awet muda sedang berlaku.
1. Rasa Takut Mengejut:
Lemah fungsi buah pinggang. Tenaga batin lemah.
2. Cepat Naik Darah/Marah:
Fungsi hati lemah. Tekanan darah tinggi.
3. Rasa Bimbang dan Takut:
Sistem paru-paru yang lemah.
4. Rasa Seronok dan Bimbang Secara Mengejut:
i) Sistem jantung yang lemah.
ii) Sistem saraf otak yang lemah.
iii) Masalah pengaliran darah.
5. Suka Berfikir dan Berkhayal:
Sistem penghadaman yang lemah.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

NP - Change Your Future Life Style

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


Me: MNas Tan Sew Chean
Location: Johore, Malaysia

Duration: 1 month

18 years old! Young people pattern time passage….But very unfortunely I suffer from the chronic RP retina pathological, I was 18 year-old such youth time and my younger sister too. The eye is getting more and more fuzzy, is slowly getting more and more dark along with the age mine world, I am afraid very much, paces back and forth very much. Expensive ophthalmology department medicine….Lives not conveniently .....How does my eye manage???

Along with many years in not advanced medical service, pathological change under takes a drug has not improved completely, but is getting more and more serious, published a disabled persons general card finally on 24/05/2007 by Malaysian Government to us both two sisters, younger sister's insurance premium also accompanied came out ......Really pitiful!

In July 2008, I hear one that a product can cure the eye…Good news! Since my type excessively many products, many years unceasing have sought may help eye's thing…Some people encourage me to attempt, I had known the knowledge SUPER LUTEIN.

On 12/07/2008, I starts to take 5 capsules of SUPER LUTEIN, several days later felt that has optical fiber in the dark fuzzy world, but I cannot rest, but the eye will often discharge the gum in the eyes, I knew have responded, I very happy, but took the quantity each day 2 capsules. I came out after one month to appeal ..... Our two sisters had the very big change in short one month to the life, our eye true can see brightly, can identify the thing from the fuzziness, presently large scale improvement. We thank very much that we the person she lets us be exposed to world again. Thanks SUPER LUTEIN….

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Dear Friends

My friend introduce to me (last December) the products from Japan which she say is good for eye, I went for the product testing and attend the seminar, I found out that products was good.

I cannot read my bible (small word) clearly during that time and after taking the product about a month, I can read clearly without wearing glasses (very troublesome). I also discharge lots of unwanted toxin from the body and I feel more energetic.

This product Super Lutein break the record of sales for single product from 2000 S$21 million to 2006 S$532 million and 1.5 million member are using the products. In year 2007 come out Izumio. If the product not good, it wont create such a good turnover volume and so many people using it. Furthermore this company have obtained ISO9001. Lots of testimony from the consumer who use the products.

Send here some info I get (searching from website). How good is the products is important but most important is we ourself and our friend must use it & try it then will know how good it is. Always we or our friends assume that it is the same health suppliment or MLM company that we know or encounter before, I really want let you all know the differents. To success in anything we do, we must have faith, we must believe that company and products can help us gain health & wealth and can help lots of friends around us.

Testimony share by Japanese leader (in Japan):-

(1) A blind man cant see for 20 years and can see after taking the Super Lutein.

(2) A lady 37 years old never have menstrual (monthly period) and spend >US$50,000 to seek doctor (want to have baby) but no result. After taking Super Lutein for 2 months, her menstrual came and conceive with baby (now is 3 years old)

Testimony that I hear from other in Singapore (offiicial launch on 23 Nov 2008) and want to share with you and hope can help people who suffer from those problem and can help them. Share some here with you all.

(1) A Malay man who have diabetes and his leg already start rotten, nail nearly drop out and doctor advise to ambuted it, after took the Super Lutein & Izumio water for 10 days which given by his friend (businessman), his leg recover and not need to ambuted after see doctor.

(2) Few cases that those with diabetes problem have high sugar level drop to normal, eye-sight improve etc.

(3) A stroke patient lay on bed for 2-3 years and cant even sit up, after took the 2 products for 2 days can sit up and now improving.

(4) Lots of eye problem case improve, high blood pressure level also drop to normal after taking the products.These are some website that having testimonial after using Naturally-Plus products.But those I can find are in Chinese, I am sorry for those who cant understand Chinese. Testimonial about a man that doctor certified no cure for his leg (sit on wheel chair) after accident and now can stand up and walk after took the Super Lutein for 10 months. website about some different kind of testimonial like Diabetes, Allegy, Eyes Problems etc. Below this page have some video show (the 2 link below) but one of the video show I cant go in to see which is about coma person wake up after 1 & half months. Testimonial about Woman's womb & others Testimonial about Colon Cancer & DiabetesMaybe most of you dont need this products but I hope you share with the people who need it and hope can help them. But because of the lifestyle nowadays, we need this products for prevention, those nutrient "Coretoid" which cant produce from our body itself and must intake from the foods we take.

Pls contact me for product testing and seminar to understand more if you interested to find out. Also a chance to have a part time income as I am earning extra S$1000 plus and will be more and more.


Good Health & Good Wealth

Adeline Woon

Monday, April 6, 2009



As a precursor to vitamin A (meaning your body uses it to make the vitamin), beta-carotene is primarily known for one great role: healthy vision. But this nutrient supports more than just your eyes. It also contributes to strong teeth, healthy skin and hair, and well-functioning immune and reproductive systems -- all without the toxicity risk often associated with the over-consumption of vitamin A alone.

Of course, your body can convert some of the 600 other carotenoids (plant pigments) into vitamin A. But beta-carotene is the best of the bunch; it's twice as effective as its cousin, alpha-carotene, at making vitamin A. Beta-carotene also works with other antioxidants like vitamins C and E to fight free radicals, reduce the risk of infection, and help protect against many types of cancer. And beta-carotene supports heart health, according to the results of the Physicians' Health Study, conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School on more than 15,000 male physicians. Those who ate at least two and a half servings of vegetables daily were far less likely to develop coronary heart disease than those who consumed less than one serving each day.

Parmesan-Coated Sweet Potato Fries
Cantaloupe and Avocado Salad

Buying Tips
When shopping for foods rich in beta-carotene, let colors guide you. The best sources come in bright packages -- orange and yellow fruits and vegetables (such as apricots, cantaloupes, carrots, mangoes, pumpkins, squash, and sweet potatoes) as well as dark-green vegetables (such as broccoli, collard greens, and spinach). In general, the deeper the color, the more beta-carotene a food contains. Although overdose of beta-carotene is unlikely to be dangerous (your body will use only enough to produce the vitamin A it needs), you might wonder whether eating carrots with reckless abandon will make you turn orange. Not to worry. Although it's true that consuming high doses of beta-carotene in supplements or foods can turn the skin yellowish, the condition (known as carotenodermia) poses no health risks and disappears when you cut back on these foods for a few days.

In general, you don't have to make major changes to increase the amount of beta-carotene in your diet. "Getting more is often a matter of making substitutions," says Billie McGuire-Novak, R.D., a dietitian and nutritionist in Marathon, Florida. Choose sweet potatoes over white; make your salads with spinach (adding some walnuts to help your body better absorb this fat-soluable nutrient); snack on a slice of apricot; or drink carrot juice instead of orange. Or you can try the following beta-carotene-filled recipes.

Pass on the Supplements
You may be tempted to take beta-carotene in pill form, thinking it offers more-powerful protection than its dietary counterpart. But many studies have shown that supplements don't offer the same health protection as natural beta-carotene, especially in high-risk groups like smokers. In fact, supplements often contain such high amounts of beta-carotene that it competes with absorption of other carotenoids, which disrupts the balance of nutrients in the body.



Lutein Characteristics: Reddish orange yellow fine powder.
Lutein is a carotenoid, meaning a natural colorant or pigment, found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach,egg yolks,various fruits and corn. Lutein is the active carotenoid in this potent, natural source antioxidant. It is naturally derived from marigold flowers and contains a normal blend of carotenoids including zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin. Lutein also filters the high energy blue wavelengths of light from the visible light spectrum.
Main Function:
1. Promote healthy of eye and skin through reducing the risk of macular degeneration
2. Be good at protecting the eyes, the arteries and the lungs from damaging free radicals
3. Support normal eye function and protect the retina by blocking harmful blue light!
4. Reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancers
5. Help to prevent or slow down the thickening of arteries that is called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a major risk for cardiovascular disease.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wake Up World....

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: